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Notarization Eviction Notice to Tenant Dubai: Step by Step

Eviction notice to tenant Dubai is a legal procedure usually taken by a landlord to notify a tenant of his desire to terminate a tenancy agreement. In the Emirate of Dubai, the tenant eviction process is subject to specific laws and regulations that guarantee the rights of both parties. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the eviction notice to tenant Dubai procedures that are carried out professionally by the POA&More team, focusing on the legal aspects and procedures they carry out.


Eviction notice to tenant Dubai: What is It?

Eviction notice to tenant Dubai

Eviction notice to tenant Dubai is an official legal document sent by a landlord to a tenant informing them of their desire to terminate the tenancy agreement and hand over the property. In the Emirate of Dubai, the tenant eviction process is subject to specific laws and regulations that guarantee the rights of both parties. The landlord can issue an eviction notice to tenant Dubai in the following cases:

  • Expiry of the tenancy agreement: If the landlord does not wish to renew the agreement.
  • Non-payment of rent: If the tenant is late in paying the rent for a period specified in the agreement.
  • Breach of the terms of the agreement: If the tenant breaches any of the terms of the agreement.
  • Use of the property for illegal purposes: If the tenant uses the property for illegal activities.

Read more: Drafting Legal Notice For Non Payment of Rent in Dubai

Reasons for Evicting a Tenant in Dubai

There are various reasons for evict a tenant in Dubai, but the most important ones are the following:

  • Expiration of the lease: The landlord has the right to evict the tenant upon the expiration of the contract, provided that he is notified in advance by an eviction notice to tenant Dubai.
  • Non-payment of rent: If the tenant is late in paying the rent for a period specified in the contract, the landlord has the right to request eviction after issuing an eviction notice to tenant Dubai.
  • Use of the property for a purpose other than that for which it was intended: If the tenant uses the property for an illegal activity or in violation of the contract, the landlord can request eviction.
  • Damage to the property: If the tenant causes significant damage to the property, the landlord has the right to request eviction.
  • Other reasons: There may be other reasons for evicting the tenant, such as failure to comply with the terms of the contract or violation of laws and regulations.


When is a Landlord Entitled to Serve an eviction notice to tenant Dubai?

The law regulating the relationship between landlords and tenants of real estate in the Emirate of Dubai governs the landlord’s right to evict the tenant, and specifies the conditions and reasons that justify this. In general, the landlord can submit an eviction notice to tenant Dubai in the following cases:


Expiry of the lease:

  • If the landlord does not wish to renew the contract, he must notify the tenant at least 90 days before the expiry of the contract.
  • If the contract is of a fixed term, the landlord has the right to request eviction after the expiry of the specified term.


Before the expiry of the lease:

In some exceptional cases, the landlord can request eviction before the expiry of the contract, provided that there are valid reasons for this, such as:

  • Non-payment of rent: If the tenant is late in paying the rent for 30 days or more without an acceptable excuse.
  • Breach of the terms of the contract: If the tenant breaches any of the terms of the contract, such as damaging the residential unit or using it for illegal purposes.
  • Personal need of the landlord: If the landlord needs the residential unit for his personal use or for his family.


Terms of eviction notice to tenant Dubai

  • Written notice: The eviction notice must be in writing and state the reasons on which the eviction request is based.
  • Delivery: The notice must be delivered to the tenant in a formal manner, such as by hand delivery, registered mail or by a notary public Dubai.
  • Duration: The specific period for eviction varies depending on the reason for eviction and the terms of the contract.

Read more: Legal Documents Drafting and Notarization in Dubai

Eviction notice to tenant dubai: Required Procedure to follow

Eviction notice to tenant Dubai

In the following lines, I will explain to you the procedures that POA&More takes when making an eviction notice to tenant Dubai:


Specifying the reason for eviction:

  • Breach of the terms of the contract: Failure to pay rent, causing damage to the property, or using the property for purposes contrary to the contract.
  • Expiration of the contract: If the contract is not renewed.
  • Other reasons: There may be other reasons mentioned in the contract or the law.


Sending an official eviction notice to tenant Dubai:

  • Form of eviction notice to tenant Dubai: The eviction notice to tenant Dubai is usually an official letter explaining the reason for the eviction and the final date of the eviction.
  • Delivery: The eviction notice to tenant Dubai is delivered to the tenant in person or by registered mail with a receipt.


Eviction deadline:

  • Specifying the period: The period that the landlord gives the tenant to vacate is usually 30 days.
  • Extension of the period: The period may be extended in some cases by mutual consent of both parties.


Tenant Follow-up:

  • Communication: The company communicates with the tenant periodically to ensure that he is aware of the eviction notice to tenant Dubai and to remind him of the eviction date.
  • Dialogue: The company may try to resolve the issue amicably with the tenant before resorting to legal action.


Legal Action (if necessary):

  • Filing an eviction case: If the tenant does not vacate the property on the specified date, the landlord can file an eviction case in court.
  • Judgment: The court issues a judgment to evict the property, and in the event that the judgment is not implemented, the landlord can request its implementation by public force.

Read more: Legal Notice in Dubai

How many months notice to evict a tenant?

In Dubai, the law requires that a tenant be notified of their intention to vacate the property at least 90 days before the expiry date of the tenancy contract. This means that the landlord must send an official eviction notice to tenant Dubai to the tenant 90 days before the expiry date specified in the contract.


What is the Dubai tenant notice period?

Eviction notice to tenant Dubai

The duration of eviction notice to tenant Dubai depends on the reason for the notice:

  • Termination of the contract: If the landlord wants to terminate the contract, he must notify the tenant at least 90 days before the expiry date of the contract.
  • Rent increase: If the landlord wants to increase the rent, he must notify the tenant at least 90 days before the effective date of the new increase.
  • Eviction of the property for other reasons: Such as non-payment of rent or a clear violation of the terms, the duration of eviction notice to tenant Dubai may change and differ from case to case.

Advantages offered by POA&More when making an eviction notice to tenant Dubai

  • Extensive experience: The company has extensive experience in the field of rentals and real estate cases in Dubai.
  • Specialized legal team: A specialized legal team works to study each case individually and provide the best legal solutions.
  • Speed ​​of procedures: The company seeks to expedite legal procedures as much as possible.
  • Complete transparency: The client is informed of all developments in the case on an ongoing basis.


Frequently asked questions


How to give an eviction notice to a tenant in Dubai?

POA&More is one of the leading real estate services companies in Dubai, offering a wide range of legal and administrative solutions to help landlords and tenants manage their properties and leases smoothly. In the event of a desire to evict a tenant in Dubai, POA&More follows specific and sequential procedures to ensure that the legal process is conducted correctly and quickly. Therefore, in the following lines, we explain the steps that POA&More follows to evict a tenant in Dubai:


Communication with the tenant:

  • Sending an official eviction notice to tenant Dubai: The company sends an official written eviction notice to tenant Dubai to the tenant explaining the reason for the eviction (non-payment of rent, expiration of the contract, violation of the terms of the contract, etc.) and sets a time limit to resolve the situation.
  • Direct communication: In some cases, the tenant may be contacted directly to try to resolve the issue amicably before resorting to legal action.


Investigation of the matter:

  • Reviewing the lease contract: The company carefully reviews the lease contract to ensure that there is a legal reason for the eviction.
  • Verifying documents: All documents related to the rental relationship are verified, such as payment receipts, previous complaints, etc.


Submitting to the Rental Disputes Settlement Committee:

  • Filing an eviction case: If the tenant does not respond to the notice, the company files an eviction case before the Rental Disputes Settlement Committee in Dubai.
  • Submitting evidence: All evidence proving the landlord’s right to evict is submitted, such as the lease contract, eviction notices, and payment receipts.


Following up on the case:

  • Attending hearings: A company representative attends all hearings.
  • Submitting pleadings: Strong legal pleadings are submitted to support the case.


Implementing the judgment:

  • Obtaining an eviction judgment: After the eviction judgment is issued, the company assists you in implementing the judgment and vacating the property.
  • Cooperating with the relevant authorities: Coordination is carried out with the relevant authorities, such as the police, to complete the eviction process.


Can a landlord force a tenant to leave in Dubai?

The landlord cannot force the tenant to leave arbitrarily. There are clear laws regulating the relationship between the landlord and the tenant in Dubai, and specifying the cases in which the landlord may request eviction. Therefore, we will explain in the following lines when the landlord has the right to request eviction:

  • Non-payment of rent: If the tenant is late in paying the rent for 30 days after being notified in writing via eviction notice to tenant Dubai, the landlord has the right to request eviction.
  • Misuse of the property: If the tenant uses the property for illegal purposes or harms the property or the neighbors, the landlord has the right to request eviction.
  • Subletting the property without the landlord’s consent: If the tenant subleases the property without obtaining the written consent of the landlord, the landlord has the right to request eviction via eviction notice to tenant Dubai.
  • Expiry of the contract: When the contract expires and the landlord does not wish to renew it, he has the right to request eviction provided that he notifies the tenant before the end of the contract by a specific period of time via eviction notice to tenant Dubai.


[Dubai Land Department]


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