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General Power of Attorney from husband to wife format

What is the general power of attorney from husband to wife format? This format is searched for by many people in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, as this power of attorney is used in many matters that in turn help in carrying out many tasks, and this is what we will talk about in the following lines.


What is a general power of attorney from husband to wife format?

general power of attorney from husband to wife format

A general power of attorney is a legal document that grants the attorney the authority to act on behalf of the client in all his legal matters. In the event that the husband appoints his wife as an attorney, it gives her the right to represent him in various legal and financial transactions. In the following lines, we explain the general power of attorney from husband to wife format:


I, Mr./Ms. [Husband’s full name], holder of ID number [ID number], residing in [full address], acknowledge that I have appointed my wife, Mrs./Ms. [Wife’s full name], holder of ID number [ID number], residing in [full address], to carry out on my behalf all matters related to my daily life and interests as follows:


Financial matters:

  • Manage my bank accounts, withdraw and deposit money.
  • Collect my debts and pay my debts.
  • Buy and sell real estate and securities.
  • Sign contracts and agreements.


Legal matters:

  • Represent me before courts, judicial and administrative authorities.
  • Filing petitions and legal memoranda.
  • Receiving papers and documents.


Health matters:

Making decisions about my health when I am unable to make them myself.

Dealing with doctors and hospitals.


  • Date of signature…..
  • Signature of husband…..
  • Fingerprint of husband……

Read more: Special Power of Attorney Form Dubai


Why Use a General Power of Attorney Between Spouses?

A general power of attorney between spouses in Dubai is a legal document that grants one of the spouses the legal authority to carry out legal and administrative procedures on behalf of the other spouse, who is the attorney, within a specific or general scope. Therefore, within the discussion of general power of attorney from husband to wife format, we explain in the following lines the reasons for using a general power of attorney between spouses in Dubai:

  • Travel and absence: If one of the spouses travels or is absent for a long period, the other spouse can use the power of attorney to manage family affairs and property during the period of the husband’s absence.
  • Medical cases: If one of the spouses is sick or unable to manage his personal affairs, the other spouse can manage his financial and health affairs on his behalf.
  • Administrative facilities: A power of attorney can facilitate many procedures such as registering children in schools, renewing passports, or conducting bank transactions, without the need for both spouses to be present.
  • Disposing of money and property: In some cases, a power of attorney can allow the other spouse to dispose of joint money and property, such as selling a property or buying a car.

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Key Elements of the general power of attorney from husband to wife format

general power of attorney from husband to wife format

A general power of attorney is a legal document that grants the attorney the authority to act on behalf of the client in all his affairs or in specific matters. In the case of a husband appointing a power of attorney for his wife in Dubai, this document grants the wife broad powers to act on behalf of her husband in various transactions. Therefore, within the discussion of general power of attorney from husband to wife format, we will mention in the following lines the basic elements that must be included in the general power of attorney format in Dubai:


Parties information:

  • Full name: for both husband and wife.
  • Nationality: for each.
  • Passport number: for each.
  • Residence: Address of each in Dubai.


Scope of the power of attorney:

  • General description: There must be a clear description of the scope of powers granted to the wife. Is it a general power of attorney that includes all matters, or are there specific limits?
  • Specific powers: Specific powers can be specified.


Duration of the power of attorney:

  • Specific period: A specific period can be specified for the power of attorney, such as one year or five years.
  • Permanent power of attorney: The power of attorney can be open-ended, meaning it is valid until it is canceled.


Special Conditions:

  • Special Conditions: Special conditions may be added regarding the implementation of the power of attorney, such as the need to obtain the husband’s approval for some important decisions.
  • Cancellation Clause: The power of attorney must include a clause explaining how to cancel the power of attorney.


Signature and Authentication:

  • Husband’s Signature: The husband must sign the power of attorney in front of two witnesses.
  • Authentication of the power of attorney: The power of attorney must be authenticated by a competent authority in Dubai, such as a notary public or consulate.

Read more: Cost of Power of Attorney in Dubai


How to Draft a general power of attorney from husband to wife format

I advise you to contract with POA&More to draft the power of attorney in the correct legal form, as the general power of attorney from husband to wife format must be done correctly. A general power of attorney for the wife may include powers such as:

  • Disposing of funds: such as withdrawing money from banks, buying and selling real estate, and paying debts.
  • Managing business: such as representing the husband in commercial transactions, and making administrative decisions.
  • Appearing before courts: such as filing lawsuits, and defending rights.
  • Conducting government transactions: such as renewing licenses, and paying taxes.

Read more: How to Get Power of Attorney in Dubai


Powers Granted in a Husband-to-Wife POA

According to the general power of attorney from husband to wife format, the powers granted in the power of attorney from husband to wife in Dubai are as follows:

  • Management of funds: such as withdrawing money from the bank, paying bills, and investing.
  • Disposal of real estate: such as buying, selling, and renting real estate.
  • Representation of the husband in legal transactions: such as attending court sessions, and signing contracts.
  • Management of business: If the husband owns a company, he may authorize his wife to manage its affairs.


Legal Considerations for Spousal POA

general power of attorney from husband to wife format

A marital power of attorney in Dubai is a legal procedure that allows one spouse to authorize the other to act on their behalf in certain matters, such as conducting banking or real estate transactions, or even representing them in some legal procedures. This procedure is of great importance in facilitating the daily life of the spouses, especially in the event of the absence of one of the parties or their inability to attend in person. Therefore, according to the general power of attorney from husband to wife format, the main legal considerations for a marital power of attorney in Dubai are:

Read more: Authorization Letter vs Special Power of Attorney


General conditions for the power of attorney:

  • Writing: The power of attorney contract must be written and certified by a notary public.
  • Eligibility: Both spouses must be qualified to contract, meaning of age and of sound mind.
  • Subject: The subject of the power of attorney must be clearly defined, whether it is general and includes all matters, or specific to some specific matters.
  • Duration: The power of attorney can be temporary or permanent, with its duration specified in the contract.


Special considerations for a marital power of attorney:

  • The husband’s need: There must be a legal justification for concluding the power of attorney contract, such as the absence of one of the spouses from the country, his illness, or his preoccupation with other work.
  • Scope of Authority: The scope of the attorney must be precisely defined in the contract, taking into account that these powers do not exceed what is delegated.
  • Registration: It may be necessary to register the power of attorney contract in the official records, especially if it relates to real estate.



Cancellation of the power of attorney:

  • The power of attorney may be canceled at any time by agreement of the two parties or at the request of the principal.
  • In the event of the death of one of the parties, the power of attorney automatically terminates.

Read more: How to Cancel Power of Attorney in UAE: Step by Step


Power of attorney from husband to wife format

General power of attorney from husband to wife format It is recommended to use the services of POA&More because they specialize in family affairs in the Emirates to ensure the validity and authenticity of the power of attorney, and avoid any subsequent legal problems.


Frequently asked questions


What is the power of attorney for marriage in the UAE?

According to the general power of attorney from husband to wife format, the marriage power of attorney usually includes the following data:

  • Principal data: full name, passport or ID number, nationality, place of residence.
  • Attorney data: full name, passport or ID number, nationality, place of residence.
  • Husband/wife data: full name, passport or ID number, nationality, place of residence.
  • Attorney powers: clearly specify the powers granted to the attorney.
  • Duration of the power of attorney: specifying the duration of the power of attorney, whether it is limited to a specific time or open-ended.
  • Terms and conditions: any additional conditions the principal wishes to include in the power of attorney.


What is the best form of power of attorney?

Choosing a general power of attorney from husband to wife format is crucial to ensure that the rights of both parties are protected and any future legal disputes are avoided. The format should be clear, precise, and cover all aspects related to the power of attorney.



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