General power of attorney for all purposes in UAE is a legal document that allows the attorney to act on behalf of the principal in all legal and financial matters. In other words, the principal gives the attorney broad powers to act in any way as if the principal were acting himself. This power of attorney is done online by POA&More to save time, effort and money.
What is general power of attorney for all purposes?
A general power of attorney for all purposes in Dubai is a legal document that allows an attorney to act on behalf of a principal in all of his legal and financial matters. In the following lines, the POA&More team explains to us the importance of choosing the right attorney:
- Absolute trust: The attorney must be a completely trustworthy person, who has a clear understanding of his responsibilities.
- Experience: The attorney may need some legal or financial expertise to manage complex matters.
- Availability: The attorney must be available to manage the principal’s affairs on a regular basis.
When Is a general power of attorney for all purposes Needed?
A general power of attorney for all purposes is a broad authorization that allows the attorney to take any legal action on behalf of the principal, provided that it does not conflict with the law or public order. This type of power of attorney may be necessary in certain cases, but great care must be taken when issuing it due to its comprehensive nature. In the following lines, the POA&More team explains to us the most prominent cases in which you may need a general power of attorney for all purposes:
- Long travel or residence abroad: If you are traveling for a long period or residing abroad, you may need a trusted person to manage your financial and legal affairs in your home country.
- Emergency health cases: If you suffer from a chronic illness or emergency medical condition that prevents you from managing your affairs yourself, a general power of attorney may be necessary to make medical and legal decisions on your behalf.
- Physical or mental disability: In the event of loss of legal capacity due to physical or mental disability, a guardian or general attorney may be appointed to manage your affairs.
- Exceptional circumstances: You may need a general power of attorney in other exceptional cases, such as natural crises or disasters that prevent you from accessing your legal services.
What can a General Power of Attorney be for all purposes use its authority for?
What can a general power of attorney do? General power of attorney for all purposes in the UAE is a legal document that gives another person (the attorney) broad authority to act on your behalf in all your financial and legal affairs. This means that the attorney can, in general, do any legal work that you can do yourself, unless specific powers are specified in the document. In the following lines, we explain the purposes of using general power of attorney for all purposes in the UAE:
- Property management: The attorney can manage your real estate properties, such as buying or selling properties, managing rents, and settling debts.
- Finance management: The attorney can manage your bank accounts, pay bills, and invest money.
- Dealing with government entities: The attorney can deal with government entities on your behalf, such as renewing residencies and paying government fees.
- Dealing with health institutions: The attorney can make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
Read more: General Power of Attorney from husband to wife format
What are the eligibility criteria for general power of attorney for all purposes?
General power of attorney for all purposes in the UAE is an important legal document that grants the attorney the authority to make decisions on behalf of the principal. In the UAE, there are a set of criteria that must be met to issue this type of power of attorney, in order to ensure the protection of the rights of all parties involved. In the following lines, we explain the criteria for the eligibility of general power of attorney for all purposes in the UAE:
- Legal capacity: The person granting the power of attorney, the principal, must be of full legal capacity, meaning that he must be an adult, sane, and able to make his own decisions.
- Valid identity: Documented identification of the principal and the attorney must be provided, such as a passport or Emirates ID card.
- Free intention: The power of attorney must be issued by the principal’s free will, without any coercion or threat.
- Clarity and accuracy: The wording of the power of attorney must be clear and accurate, and clearly define the powers granted to the attorney.
- Legal attestation: The power of attorney must be documented by a notary public, and registered in the official records.
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What are the Legal Requirements for a general power of attorney for all purposes?
The basic requirements for obtaining a general power of attorney for all purposes in UAE vary slightly depending on the issuing emirate, but generally include the following:
- Identity: Both the principal and the attorney must have a valid Emirates ID or passport with a valid UAE residency.
- Legal capacity: Both the principal and attorney must be of full legal age and able to make their own decisions.
- Medical certificate: The principal may be required to provide a medical certificate proving that they are mentally sound.
- No objection certificate: In some cases, the spouse may be required to provide a no objection certificate to issue the power of attorney.
- Document drafting: The general power of attorney for all purposes must be legally and accurately drafted by a licensed lawyer or notary public. The document must include clear details of the identity of the parties, the scope of the attorney’s powers, and the validity period of the power of attorney.
- Notarization: The document must be authenticated by a notary public in the emirate in which it was issued.
- Translation and Certification: If one or both parties are not Arabic speakers, the general power of attorney for all purposes must be translated into a language understood by the other party and the translation must be certified by a certified translator.
- Notarization Fees: The general power of attorney for all purposes fees are paid for government services.
Read more: Does the Power of Attorney Expire
Differences Between General Power of Attorney and Durable Power of Attorney in UAE
General power of attorney and general power of attorney for all purposes are two types of powers of attorney, each with its own characteristics and scope of the attorney powers as follows:
General power of attorney
- Definition: It is a broad-based authorization that allows the attorney to perform all legal work on behalf of the principal, unless explicit exceptions are specified in the power of attorney contract.
- Represent the principal in all legal transactions.
- Manage the principal’s funds.
- Sign contracts on behalf of the principal.
- File lawsuits and appoint lawyers.
- Limitation: Despite its broad powers, there are some legal restrictions on the general power of attorney, such as the inadmissibility of authorizing the attorney to dispose of some personal rights.
Permanent power of attorney
- Definition: It is a limited authorization so that its effect continues for a specific period of time or until a specific purpose is achieved.
- The attorney’s powers are precisely defined in the power of attorney contract and do not exceed the specified scope.
- This type of power of attorney is usually used to manage the property of an absent or sick person.
- Termination: The effect of the permanent power of attorney ends upon the expiration of the specified period or upon the achievement of its purpose, or upon the death of one of the parties (principal or attorney).
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Frequently asked questions
What is the most recommended type of power of attorney?
As part of the discussion of general power of attorney for all purposes, we will mention in the following lines the most important types of powers of attorney recommended in the Emirates:
- General Power of Attorney: Grants the attorney the broadest powers to act on behalf of the principal in all his affairs, including financial, real estate and legal matters.
- Special Power of Attorney: This type of power of attorney precisely defines the attorney’s powers, and grants him the right to carry out specific transactions only.
- Permanent Power of Attorney: This power of attorney remains in effect until the principal’s death or cancellation.
What is the full form of PoA in general?
There is no single, comprehensive form of power of attorney in the UAE. The full form of a power of attorney depends largely on the type of power of attorney, the powers granted to the attorney, and the circumstances surrounding the transaction. However, there are some basic elements that any power of attorney should include:
- Personal details of the principal and attorney: their full names, nationalities, passport numbers, and residency.
- Type of power of attorney: Is it a general power of attorney (granting the attorney broad powers) or a special power of attorney (specifying specific powers for the attorney).
- Scope of powers: A detailed description of the powers granted to the attorney, whether they relate to financial, legal, administrative, or other matters.
- Duration of power of attorney: Is it permanent or temporary, and if temporary, for what duration.
- Terms of power of attorney: Any conditions or restrictions on the attorney’s powers.
- Signature: Signature of the principal and attorney, and signatures of two witnesses.
- Notarization: The power of attorney must be authenticated by a competent authority, such as a notary public or embassy.